- Jun 20, 2017 The fib Model Code 2010 is now the most comprehensive code on concrete structures, including their complete life cycle: conceptual design, dimensioning, construction, conservation and dismantlement. It is expected to become an important document for both national and international code committees, practitioners and researchers.
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Oct 23, 2013 The fib Model Code 2010 is now the most comprehensive code on concrete structures, including their complete life cycle: conceptual design, dimensioning, construction, conservation and dismantlement. It is expected to become an important document for both national and international code committees, practitioners and researchers.
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Next:12.1.3 Eurocode 2 EN Up:12.1 Concrete Previous:12.1.1 CEB-FIP Model CodeContentsIndexSubsections
12.1.2 fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010
The fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010 [44] describesthe following normal weight concrete classes:C12,C16,C20,C25,C30,C35,C40,C45,C50,C55,C60,C70,C80,C90,C100,C110, andC120,Next to the normal weight concrete classes, the fib Model Code for ConcreteStructures 2010 describes the following lightweight concrete classes:LC8,LC12,LC16,LC20,LC25,LC30,LC35,LC40,LC45,LC50,LC55,LC60,LC70, andLC80.
DIANA derives the following basic properties for these concrete classes:Young's modulus E
fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010 also gives values for the mass density, thermalexpansion coefficient of reinforced concrete and limit values for thePoisson's ratio.DIANA presets the following material parametersfor a stress-strain diagram in the compressive and tensileregime [Fig.12.3].
- The mean compressive strength fcm
is preset as With f = 8MPa. - The Young' s="" modulus="">Eci
is preset as Eci = Eco . . (12.7)
With Eco = 2.15 x 104MPa, andfcmo = 10 MPa. Withis aggregate type dependentscaling factor, which equals 1.0 for quartzite aggregates. EciNote that for linear materials, i.e. no specification of nonlinear materialbehaviour, the Young' s="" modulus="">
is reduced to accountfor initial plastic strain, causing some irreversible deformations: a reduction factor dependent on the meancompressive strength: = 0.8 + 0.2 . 1.0 (12.9) The Young's modulus Elci
for lightweight concrete is preset as
For linear lightweight concrete materials the reduced Young's modulusElcequals: Elc = . Ec (12.11)
Whereis a reduction factor based on the oven-dry density : - Poisson's ratio is preset just halfway the lower and upper limit: = 0.20
for each concrete class. - Thermal expansion coefficient is preset as = 10 x 10-6K1
fornormal weight concrete, and is preset as = 8 x 10-6K1 for lightweightconcrete. - The tensile strength fctm
is preset as fctm = 0.3fck (12.13)
for normal weight concrete gradesC50,and
with f = 8MPa for normal weight concrete grades > C50.For lightweight concrete the tensile strength equals flctm = . fctm (12.15)
Whereis a reduction factor based on the oven-dry density : Note that in DIANA the concrete property parameters are notreduced with a multiplication factor, in contrary to Paragraph 7.11.3`Safety formats for non-linear analysis' of the fib Model Code for ConcreteStructures 2010 [44], wherefctm = 0.85*0.70*fctm
(tension) andfcm = 0.85*fcm (compression). If you specify the following input, then DIANA derives the materialproperties from the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures2010 regulations for normal weight concrete.
Normal weight concrete (syntax)
- MC2010indicates the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010.
- grade specifies the light weight concrete class,C12, ..
C120,where the numbers denote the specified characteristic cylinder-compressivestrength fck in MPa. Grades starting with LC refer to lightweight concrete, while gradesstarting with C refer to normal weight concrete.
- cemtyp specifies the cement type for normal weight grades belowC55:
- CE32N
- for normal hardening CE 32.5 N cements,
- CE32R
- for rapidly hardening CE 32.5 R cements,
- CE42N
- for normal hardening CE 42.5 N cements,
- CE42R
- for rapidly hardening CE 42.5 R cements,
- CE52N
- for normal hardening CE 52.5 N cements,
- CE52R
- for rapidly hardening CE 52.5 R cements.
of the selected grade is beingused. - AIRCNT
- airis the air content in %. (0 air 22%
- indicates which aggregate type to be used:
- for basalt, dense limestone aggregates.
- for quartzite aggregates. [QUARTZ]
- for limestone aggregates.
- for sandstone aggregates.
- plasticity and cracking
- describes the plasticity and cracking behaviour [§].
- creep and shrinkage
- describes the creep and shrinkage behaviour [§].
- safety factors
- describes the optional safety factors [§].
Lightweight concrete (syntax)
- MC2010indicates the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010.
- grade specifies the concrete class,LC8, ..
LC80,where the numbers denote the specified characteristic cylinder-compressivestrength fck in MPa.weight concrete. Grades starting with LC refer to lightweight concrete, while gradesstarting with C refer to normal weight concrete.
- cemtyp specifies the cement type for lightweight grades belowLC55:
- CE32N
- for normal hardening CE 32.5 N cements,
- CE32R
- for rapidly hardening CE 32.5 R cements,
- CE42N
- for normal hardening CE 42.5 N cements,
- CE42R
- for rapidly hardening CE 42.5 R cements,
- CE52N
- for normal hardening CE 52.5 N cements,
- CE52R
- for rapidly hardening CE 52.5 R cements.
of the selected grade is beingused. - AIRCNT
- airis the air content in %. (0 air 22%
- oddens is a user-defined oven-dry density
, which replacesthe calculated oven-dry density. - AGGSTR
- indicates which aggregate strength to be used:
- for aggregates of low strength. [LOW]
- for aggregates of high strength.
- indicates which sand type to be used:
- for normal weight sand. [NORMAL]
- for light weight sand.
- plasticity and cracking
- describes the plasticity and cracking behaviour [§].
- creep and shrinkage
- describes the creep and shrinkage behaviour [§].
- safety factors
- describes the optional safety factors [§].
- indicates that the cracking functions according to the fib Model Code forConcrete Structures 2010 will be used.
From this input DIANA derives the required properties for the crackingfunctions of the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010, e.g.tensile strength ft
, and Mode-I fracture energyGfI . - PLASTN
- indicates that the plasticity functions according to the fib Model Code forConcrete Structures 2010 will be used.
From this input DIANA derives the required properties for the plasticityfunctions of the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010, e.g.the compressive strength fc
- tenv is the ambient temperature Tenv
.[Tenv = 293.15 K ] (253 Tenv 373 K) - H
- notsizis the notional size of the member h
,h = 2Ac/u , with Ac the cross-sectionand u the perimeter in contact with the atmosphere. [h = 150 mm] - RH
- humidis the relative ambient humidity RH
in %. [RH = 80% ] - CREEPN
- indicates that the creep functionaccording to the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010 will be used.
DIANA will use Maxwell chains for non-aging curves and Kelvin chains foraging creep curves, because a Kelvin chain performs best in creep dominatedproblems, a Maxwell chain in relaxation dominated problems.For both models the maximum number of units in the generated chain is 10.If less units are needed for a unique fit, DIANA will decrement thenumber of units in the chain automatically. In combination with cracking,always Kelvin chains will be used.
- tlo is the concrete age tlo
at loading. [tlo = 28 days] Determines the creep curve used for the generation of non-aging chains. (tlo 10-5days) - AGING
- indicates that aging chains must be generated:tel is the concrete age tel
at the birth of the element. [tel = 1 day] (tel 10-3days) There is a difference between element age and concrete age.The concrete age is measured from the moment of casting.The element age is measured from the birth.Concrete age will always be larger than the element age, to ensure an initialstiffness at element birth.
- t0eva is the start time t0
of the curve fit for the creep orrelaxation curve. [t0 = 10-5 days] - RLXPAR are parameters additional to INITIM to definelogarithmic distributed sampling ages.They define the sampling ages for the curve fit [Fig.12.4]:
- indicates that the shrinkage modelaccording to the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010 will be used.
- ti0 is the concrete age at the end of the curing period.DIANA assumes that during this period only basic shrinkage occurs.Default is no curing. [CURAGE 0]
- SFSTIF sfstif is the safety factor applied to the Young's moduliEc for normal weight concrete:
- SFTENS sftens is the safety factor applied to the tensile strengthfctm:
- SFCOMP sfcomp is the safety factor applied to the mean compressive strengthfcm: Plasticity and Cracking
The plasticity and cracking behaviour of the fib Model Code for ConcreteStructures 2010 is described by a Total Strain Rotating crack model[§6.2] with the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010predefined tension softening function [Fig.6.4l] andthe fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010 predefined compression curve[Fig.6.5k].
Plasticity and cracking (syntax) Creep and Shrinkage
Note that the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010 contains a notionalsize. For the creep and shrinkage part, this notional size is in theformulation. Therefore, DIANA does not use any calculated or given maturityfrom a potential flow computation or input through table '>for the creep and shrinkage part. The element age and the notional size areused as the model code formulation indicates.
Creep and shrinkage (syntax)
Ceb-fip Model Code 2010 Free Download For Pc
nf10 is the number [n10 = 10Figure 12.4:Sampling ages, curve fitting concrete creep ] of time steps n10per factor 10 in age (n = 10nc + 1 ) and nstep is the total number of time steps n.For generation of Maxwell Chains they also define the sample agesfor the internal transformation of a creepdiagram to a relaxation diagram. (file.dat)
This example leads to the following sampling ages:0, 0.01, 0.03162, 0.1, 0.3162, 1.0, 3.162, 10, 31.62, 100. Safety Factors
Safety factors can be applied to the Young's moduli for normal weight concreteEc
and for lightweight concrete Elc ,the tensile strength fctm , mode-I fracture energy GfI , and mean compressive strength fcm . Note that in DIANA the concrete property parameters are notreduced with a multiplication factor, in contrary to Paragraph 7.11.3`Safety formats for non-linear analysis' of="" the="" fib="" model="" code="" for="" concretestructures="" 2010="" [44],="">fctm = 0.85*0.70*fctm
(tension) andfcm = 0.85*fcm (compression). Safety factors (syntax)
Ec, sf = (12.17)
and Elcforlightweight concrete: [SFSTIF 1.0](sfstif 1.0) .Ceb-fip Model Code 2010 Free Download 64 Bit
fctm, sf = (12.19)
and the fracture energy GfI: [SFTENS 1.0](sftens 1.0) .fcm, sf = (12.21)
[SFCOMP 1.0](sfcomp 1.0) .
Next:12.1.3 Eurocode 2 EN Up:12.1 Concrete Previous:12.1.1 CEB-FIP Model CodeContentsIndexDIANA-10.1 User' s="" manual="" -="" material="">
First ed.
Copyright (c) 2017 by DIANA FEA BV. - Poisson's ratio is preset just halfway the lower and upper limit: = 0.20