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  • Authentic Destiny is a pioneer in making comprehensive BaZi reports available online since 2004. Its founder, the late Master Richard Tan, aspired to make BaZi available in the most convenient, economical, and fastest manner whilst retaining its authenticity and accuracy without any compromise through adestiny.com.

Jan 07, 2004 Bazi - The Destiny Code (Book 1) book. Read 9 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Just like DNA to a physical body, BaZi dictates the. BaZi - The Destiny CodeUnderstand the DNA Coding of Your Destiny Just like DNA to a physical body, BaZi dictates the Destiny Code - that are the talents, the hidden abilities, the character, strengths, weaknesses, challenges in life, and achievements - of an individual. Having said that, so long as you get this book along with the next one in the series, Bazi The Destiny Code Revealed - Delve Deeper into the Four Pillars of Destiny, you'll walk away with a satisfactory understanding of the BASIC concepts of Four Pillar Astrology.

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The 3 BaZi Secrets to Happiness

Allof us, I am sure, wish for a life of abundance, health and wealth,relationships and what have you. There are those who are born with a silverspoon and blessed with good fortune throughout their lives. Luck seems to gowith them wherever they go, well at least most of the times. Others are not solucky and have to put up with challenges after challenges in their embattledlives and problems keep cropping up from time to time. To them, life is nothingbut suffering.

Toquote the revered and his holiness, the Dalai Lama, “Life is suffering. Ourpurpose in life is to seek happiness”.

Whatif there is a choice that we can make to turn things around? What if theunpleasant events and circumstances that we faced in the drudgery of living canbe mitigated, lessened or dissolved with efforts on our part? Is hardship andadversity seems insurmountable? Can destiny be altered in our favor?


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Theanswer to all the above may shock you but just thing for a minute – Why is itthat God made us the way we are? Each of us is unique and yet we are all thesame – nobody’s perfect! Do we wait for divine intervention or some miracles tohappen before we hope to see the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?

Notif we can help it!

According to Chinese Astrology or BaZi (Four Pillars of Destiny), we are given a set of four pillars at birth to be our foundation and it is up to us tobuild upon them. Our destiny code is ingrained in these pillars but the powerto steer the hands of destiny is within our control albeit measured.

Hereinunfolds the 3 secrets to strengthen our pillars.

Get Empowered!

We empower ourselves byknowing our:-

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- strengths andweaknesses

- affinity and detachment

- characteristicsand eccentricities

Ourpillars of destiny contain the hidden factors that govern our success in lifeand how the above are played out depends on how we make use of these factors:-

- Self

- Output

- Wealth

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- Influence

- Resource

Allthe above factors are interdependent on one another and how we use themholistically is the key to maneuvering destiny in our favor. This is theessence of the Chinese metaphysical science of Astrology known as the FourPillars of Destiny or BaZi.

Energized Yourself!

Weare all affected by our living environment. The place we live, the location ourhouse is sited, the landscape in our vicinity and the internal space within ourhome are channels where energy or life force known as “Qi” flow. This energygives life to all living things and is dispersed by the wind and gathers at theboundary of water. The Chinese called it “Feng Shui” which simply means windand water.

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Thisenergy wax and wane through time and is inclined towards certain compassdirection and location. If properly tapped, it gives prosperity and harmony tothe inhabitants of a property in terms of health, wealth and relationships. Thesecret is in identifying, locating, containing and tapping into this energyusing the Chinese compass known as the “Luo Pan”.

Be Proactive!


'Action may not always bringhappiness, but there is no happiness without action.'

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This is the quote by the BritishStatesman and literary figure, Benjamin Disraeli. How true! Everything that happened tous is a result of the actions taken by us or by others. If we want something inlife, we have to take action, without it nothing happen. We can sit around andbemoan the sad state of affairs we are in or we can be proactive and startmaking positive changes to our lives. The choice is ours to take.

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If destiny hands us a raw deal, we canmake lemonade out of a lemon!!!